Celebrating Achievement – Newcastle’s young people get Top Awards!

Today young people from across the District attended Northumberland Scouts Top Awards Ceremony, to be celebrated for their hard work and amazing achievement to gain their Chief Scout, Kings Scout, or DofE Award!
Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, and Network members from across the city were all recognized for their dedication to engaging with scouting on a regular basis, and earning a top award for their section. Parents, leaders, and supporters were all in attendance to celebrate with the young people as they came on stage to be awarded their certificates by the County Commissioner, Peter Thorp.
King’s Scout Recipient
Among the recipients, was Scout Network Member Meghan, who received her King’s Scout Award, the highest award for any Network member, and the culmination of several years hard work and impact both locally and internationally. Meghan is the first recipient of the new King’s Scout Award in Northumberland, and quite possibly the whole country!
Celebration of Achievement, and Gaining #SkillsForLife
With over 1,500 members within Newcastle District, the achievement of these young people is nothing short of extraordinary, every week Scout Groups across the city give young people #SkillsForLife, and we celebrate this week-on-week attendance and commitment through the top awards, each setting out detailed requirements and objectives for the young people to achieve. Each badge and requirement designed to give young people the chance to make an impact, work as a team with peers, and equip them with #SkillsForLife
Recognising our Volunteers
The quality programs and activities delivered for all ages across the City of Newcastle District, could not be possible without the incredible hard work and selflessness of our volunteer leaders and young leaders – who all support and guide our young people to be the best versions of themselves. A special mention goes to all our volunteers across the city for proving these opportunities.
An additional thank you goes to Kathryn Fuller and Peter Thorp, along with the Northumberland Scouts Team for making these great events happen.