It’s Pancake Day! | Find out how to earn your Chef Activity Badge!

Date: 27th Feb 2022 Author: City of Newcastle Scouts

This Tuesday, March 1st, is Shrove Tuesday. Get making some pancakes and find out how you can earn your own Chef Activity Badge!

Pancake day always arrives 47 days before Easter, and is celebrated on Shrove Tuesday. It was traditionally a chance to indulge in a day of eating yummy treats before the tradition of Lent – where many people decide to give up a particular treat – could you give up treats for 40 days!

Pancake day is also a chance to practice your cooking skills – and guess what?, There’s a badge for that! Whether you’re a Beaver, Cub, Scout, or Explorer – click on one of the badges below to find out what you need to do!

Beavers Cook Activity Badge

How to earn your badge:



  1. Find out what makes a balanced diet.
  2. Find out about why being clean in the kitchen is important.
  3. Learn about being safe in the kitchen.
  4. Choose three dishes to prepare and cook.
    At least one dish should be savoury and one should be sweet.
Cubs Chef Activity Badge

How to earn your badge:



  1. Learn the basic rules of safety and hygiene in the kitchen.
    Explain why they’re important
  2. Talk to your leader about the different ways of preparing and cooking food.
  3. Learn what the major food groups are.
    How do they fit into a healthy diet?
  4. Plan, cook, serve and clear away a two-course meal for at least two people.
    You should prepare and cook vegetables as part of the menu. Remember, an adult must supervise you for this step. Talk to the people you’re cooking for about the menu.
Scouts Chef Activity Badge

How to earn your badge:



  1. Plan a menu for a weekend event for between four and six people.
    Include the quantities you’ll need and any dietary needs of the group for cultural, religious or medical reasons.
  2. Show how and where to shop for the food and the best way to transport it.
  3. Show how to store food properly, hygienically and in ways that prevent food poisoning.
    Explain what you might need to consider if you’re using an indoor kitchen or a camp kitchen.
  4. Cook and serve at least one of the meals from your menu.
    The meal must be at least two courses and can be prepared on an open fire on camp or in a kitchen.
  5. Demonstrate the best way to clear up afterwards.
    Clearing up should include washing up utensils, pots and pans, disposing of rubbish and leftover food in a way that prevents vermin or disease.
Explorers Chef Activity Badge

How to earn your badge:
Choose 1 of the following options:
  • Cooking for others
    1. Plan a full, balanced menu for a group of Explorers or other people on a residential experience covering all meals for at least four days.
      You should consider what facilities will be available to you – will you have access to a full kitchen or are you cooking on an open fire?
    2. Budget for your menu and assist with shopping for the ingredients.
    3. Demonstrate proper storage and cooking.
      You should demonstrate your knowledge of hygiene in the kitchen and how to prevent food poisoning.
    4. Cook and serve your planned menu, demonstrating preparation and serving skills.
  • Baking
    • Bake and cost the following from scratch – no packet mixes or pre-made shop bought ingredients allowed:
      1. Three different large cakes (20cm or bigger) with different icings and decoration, using techniques like rubbing in, creaming, melting and whisking.
      2. A sweet or savoury tart, such as a quiche or a tarte tatin.
      3. 12 iced and filled cupcakes.
      4. 12 biscuits, iced using the flooding method.
      5. 12 scones.
      6. A loaf of bread using yeast.
      7. 12 flatbreads.
    • Demonstrate how planning and preparation can make life easier when baking.
    • Maintain high standards of hygiene.

Remember to document any badge work you do through photos or written evidence and send off to your section leader to get your badge! (They might even appreciate a cake!)

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III